Every child is a
source of new world.

Making pottery inscriptions by children

In a child-friendly city, children can be seen, they can comment, express themselves and their desires, and be effective. The children of this city have a sense of belonging to their city and do whatever is needed to have a city that they love and they are involved in the construction and beautification of the city and its space. For this to happen, we wanted a chance to showcase children, their ability, creativity and art in urban space. One of the measures that could make this an opportunity was to build a city symbol and beautify urban space by children.

City element or symbol is a geometric, balanced and beautiful combination that attracts people and their minds after its appearance in the city. A city symbol can be derived from a particular event or history and refers or a unique feature in that location. Perhaps the same symbol itself becomes a historical and lasting relic after some time, and its reputation will be transformed into other cities.